Art Between the Lines
books from the Art Bookshelf
31 March - 12 May 2012

training course
for teachers, students and professionals
Forum - Palazzo delle Esposizioni

The Palazzo delle Esposizioni's and 's Art Workshop service runs training courses for teachers, students, professionals and anyone with an interest in the Art Bookshelf, a library specializing in international art publishing for children – a collection of books designed to use words and pictures to tell the story of art and artists.  The Bookshelf has been expanding its collection over the years, tying in closely with the exhibitions hosted in the museum and with the research and training work conducted by the Education Department.

1st Encounter – A Day With the Art Workshop
31 March 2012
This session, which focuses on the quality of the venue, preparation and educational materials, uses direct observation and experience to discuss a working method based on active participation on the observer's part.  During the session you will be invited to observe a workshop and a tour for children conducted by one of the Art Workshop's staff members.
from 10 pm to 1 pm, and from 3 pm to 6 pm
€ 50.00; members, students and teachers € 40.00
2nd Encounter – An Art Bookshop Collection
14 April 2012
History of art meets contemporary:  masters of the calibre of Munari and Lionni dialogue with the great illustrators of today.  A leading role in the encounter, organised by the Art Workshop, will be played by the Bookshelf's actual books in the sense that you can look at them, leaf through them, and take your cue from them for plannng new journeys of discovery.
from 10 pm to 1 pm, and from 2 pm to 5 pm
€ 50.00; members, students and teachers € 40.00

3rd Encounter – It's an Illustrator's Life
21 April 2012
The Bookshelf will acquaint us with the leading players in the world of illustration both in Italy and worldwide:  illustrated albums designed to train you too look at children's books with a new awareness.  Umberto Mischi, an illustrator and designer of a new font for black-and-white publications, will be revealing the processes and the ideas behind a tale told in pictures.
from 2 pm to 6 pm
€ 50.00; members, students and teachers € 40.00

4th Encounter
– I Publish You, You Publish me
28 April 2012
An introduction to one of the most interesting experiments in specialist art and illustrated book research publishing.  Publisher Fausta Orecchio will be recounting the story of the ten years and more that the Orecchio Acerbo publishing house has been in business.
from 3 pm to 6 pm
€ 50.00; members, students and teachers € 40.00

5th Encounter – Professional Reviews
5 May 2012
An overview of the trade press from experienced journalist Carla Ida Salviati, editor-in-chief of the Giunti Scuola magazines, who will be winding up her talk with tips on how to conduct and to write up a review.  
from 3 pm to 6 pm
€ 50.00; members, students and teachers € 40.00

6th Encounter – Reading Out Loud
12 May 2012
Mastering the art of gesture, expression and modulation of the voice:  an encounter with actress Anna Amadori will allow you to listen to a professional storyteller's voice and to learn how to read a book out loud.
from 3 pm to 6 pm
€ 50.00; members, students and teachers € 40.00

special offer for those registering for entire set of encounters € 250.00 (members, students and teachers
€ 230.00)

information and reservations
tel. 06 39967 500, Monday to Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-2pm
reservation compulsory (while places last – max. 20 participants)