Opening hours and tickets

Everything you need to know before visiting Palazzo Esposizioni
Opening hours
Monday closed
Tuesday 10:00am__8:00pm
Wednesday 10:00am__8:00pm
Thursday 10:00am__8:00pm
Friday 10:00am__8:00pm
Saturday 10:00am__8:00pm
Sunday 10:00am__8:00pm
Entrance is allowed up to one hour before closing.
Palazzo Esposizioni Roma
via Nazionale 194
00184 Roma

tel. 06 696271

The mail response service is active from Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 5:00pm (not including public holidays)

Luigi Billi. Flashback artworks 1992-2015

from October 19 to December 1, 2024

Admission free

L'ultimo meraviglioso minuto. Pietro Ruffo

from Oct. 29 to Nov. 3 2024: ticket office and entrance from via Nazionale 194
from Nov. 5 to Nov. 22 2024: ticket office and entrance from via Milano 9a
from Nov. 23 2024 to Feb. 16 2025: ticket office and entrance from via Nazionale 194

Full price € 8,00 
Reduced € 6,00 
Children from 7 to 18 years € 4,00 
Free admission for children up to 6 years
Open ticket € 12,00 

Francesco Clemente. Anima Nomade
L'ultimo meraviglioso minuto. Pietro Ruffo
In Praise of Diversity. Journey through Italian Ecosystems

from November 23, 2024 (from November 27 with In Praise of Diversity)

Full price € 12,50 
Reduced € 10,00 
Children from 7 to 18 years  6,00 
Free admission for children up to 6 years
Open ticket € 16,00

Reduced price and free admission

With the booking confirmation email for the Cinema you will be able to visit the exhibitions with a reduced ticket

From Tuesday to Friday schools € 4,00 per student.
From Tuesday to Friday groups € 10,00 per person. Saturday Sunday and holidays groups € 12,50 per person.
Reservation required for groups € 30,00 email:
Compulsory booking schools € 20,00 (min 10 max 25 people) email:

Guided tours for groups and schools with reservation required
Groups € 100,00 (minimum 10 — maximum 25 people) email:
Schools € 80,00 (minimum 10 — maximum 25 students) email:

€ 7,00
Journalists with regular license of the National Order (professionals, pratictioners, journalists). For journalists requiring accreditment for service reasons admission is free and you need to send a request to 


On Fridays and Saturdays, after 5:00 pm until the box office closes € 4,00

Free entry for under 30 from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm

  • young people under 26
  • senior citizens over 65
  • teachers in activity on presentation of the institute of origin, excluding university professors
  • forces of law and order and the military on producing an ID
  • groups with reservation required (min 10 max 25 people)
  • Conventions

  • children under 6
  • 1 escort for each group booked
  • 1 companion for every 10 students
  • otherwise skillfull and accompanying person 
  • invalid and person accompanying
  • tourist guides
  • tour leadres
  • interpreters accompanying the guides
  • ICOM and ICROM card holders

Visiting rules

  • Please make sure you have your ticket to the exhibition available for inspection at all times;
  • Visitors may access the exhibition halls up to half an hour before the Palazzo Esposizioni Roma closes. It is not possible either to enter the building or to use the box office facilities after that time;
  • Visitors must hand in all large bags and backpacks, helmets, umbrellas, and pointed or blunt instruments of any kind at the cloakroom before commencing their visit. The decision as to whether an object is too large or too dangerous, and thus likely to jeopardize the security of the exhibits and/or of other visitors, rests exclusively with the Palazzo Esposizioni Roma staff;
  • Visitors may not bring pets or animals of any kind into the exhibitions;

  • Visitors should be aware that in order to ensure the correct conservation of exhibits, a special microclimate is required in the rooms in which they are on display: Temperature 20°- 21° C. Relative Humidity: 50%.
  • A closed-circuit TV system operates is in operation for security purposes inside the building;
  • Visitors may use their mobile phones to consult applications during their visit to the exhibition, but if they do so, they must make sure that all sound is turned off so as to avoid disturbing other visitors. No electronic devices may be used for making phone calls, taking photographs or recording video footage;
  • Visitors may move freely about the building, its exhibition halls and its commercial facilities, taking care not to disturb or endanger exhibits and/or other visitors, and to avoid obstructing passageways or others' freedom of movement;
  • Visitors may freely enjoy the exhibition halls but they should take care to stay at least one metre away from the exhibits and to avoid touching display cases and any other parts of the exhibition décor;
  • When taking notes and/or drawing in the exhibition halls, visitors should avoid the use of fountain pens and felt-tip pens;
  • No food or drink may be consumed inside the exhibition halls or associated areas. Smoking is not allowed anywhere inside the buildings;
  • Visitors requiring to photograph or to film the exhibits, or to engage in any form of journalism, must apply to the Azienda Speciale Palaexpo management beforehand for authorisation.