Palazzo dei Congressi
Spazio Ragazzi, level 1
from 4 to 8 December 2014
The Scaffale d’arte (Art Shelf) at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, a library specialised in international art publications for kids, returns for the third year to Più libri più liberi (More books more freedom) – small and medium publishers Fair in the Spazio ragazzi (Kids Space) together with the Libraries of Rome.
For the occasion the Scaffale is presenting a rich calendar of meetings and workshops planned with publishing houses, from Topipittori to Orecchio Acerbo, from Corraini to Kalandraka, Sinnos and Lapis, right down to new collaborations with Terre di mezzo Editore and Quodlibet. Books that recount the history of art and introduce you to its leading figures such as Giotto, Piero Manzoni and Toti Scialoja, side by side with picture books populated by extinct animals, wild families and wizards suffering from existential crises! And still on show, a precious selection of books on mathematics, chosen on the occasion of the exhibition Numbers. Everything that counts from zero to infinity (Palazzo delle Esposizioni until 31 May 2015) which, only for a few days, are leaving the Scaffale d’arte for the Spazio ragazzi of the fair, together with the workshops 1,2,3… green light.

Thursday 4 December at 12.00 – Spazio ragazzi, Workshop Area
C’era una volta una tavola (Once upon a time there was a table)
workshop from the book L’esperienza dell'arte by Cristina Francucci
curated by Lapis Edizioni and Palazzo delle Esposizioni
for primary schools

Friday 5 December at 15.00 – Spazio ragazzi, Workshop Area
Il libro del corpo (The body book)
Workshop curated by Palazzo delle Esposizioni
For kids from 7 to 11

Friday 5 December at 15.00 – Spazio ragazzi, Meeting Area
Cari estinti (Dear Departed)
Presentation of the book with the author Arianna Papini
curated by Kalandraka and Palazzo delle Esposizioni
for kids from 6 upwards

Friday 5 December at 17.30 – Spazio ragazzi, Workshop Area
Una scatola gialla (A Yellow Box)
Workshop from the book by Pieter Gaudesaboos, with Mara Famularo and Il Semaforo Blu
curated by Sinnos and Palazzo delle Esposizioni
for kids from 4 to 6

Saturday 6 and Monday 8 December at 10.00 – Spazio ragazzi, Workshop Area
1,2,3…green light
workshop to guide kids through the labyrinth of numbers, inspired by Anne Bertier’s books
for kids from 4 to 6

Saturday 6 December at 12.30 – Spazio ragazzi, Workshop Area
La mia famiglia selvaggia (My Wild Family)
workshop from the book by Laurent Moreau, with Carla Ghisalberti
curated by Orecchio Acerbo and Palazzo delle Esposizioni
for kids from 4 to 8
Sunday 7 December at 15.00 – Spazio ragazzi, Workshop Area
Giotto. Quaderno di disegno (Drawing pad)
workshop from the book by Chiara Carrer and Marta Sironi
curated by Topipittori and Palazzo delle Esposizioni
for kids from 7 to 11

Monday 8 December at 11.30 – Spazio ragazzi, Workshop Area
workshop from the book by Fausto Gilberti
curated by Corraini and Palazzo delle Esposizioni
for kids from 7 to 11
Monday 8 December at 11.30 – Spazio ragazzi, Workshop Area

Monday 8 December at 12.30 – Spazio ragazzi, Workshop Area
workshop with the author Marianna Coppo
curated by Terre di mezzo and Palazzo delle Esposizioni
for kids from 4 to 8

Monday 8 December at 15.00– Spazio ragazzi, Workshop Area
Tre per un topo (Three for a Mouse)
Workshop from the book by Toti Scialoja
Curated by Quodlibet and Palazzo delle Esposizioni
For kids from 7 to 11
Palazzo dei Congressi-EUR Spazio ragazzi, livello 1