Rome, a portrait
Festival of foreign Culture Academies and Institutes

May 10 > July 30, 2023

Curated by Cecilia Canziani
with Francesca Campana and Giulia Gaibisso
With the collaboration of Accademia Belgica, Accademia di Danimarca, Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis, Accademia Tedesca Roma - Villa Massimo, Accademia di Romania in Roma, Accademia d'Ungheria in Roma, American Academy in Rome, British School at Rome, Centro Ceco di Roma, Circolo Scandinavo, Forum Austiaco di Cultura, Instituto Cervantes di Roma, Istituto Polacco di Roma, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, Istituto Svizzero, Real Academia de España en Roma

Rome, a portrait Festival of foreign Culture Academies and Institutes10 May__30 July 2023

Rome, a portrait is the first edition of a project that will be turning the Palazzo delle Esposizioni on an annual basis into a primary observatory for exploring the visions and the research of those foreign scholars and artists who spend a period of residency in Rome every year as guests of the Academies and Cultural Institutes that have been a part of city’s life since the 17th century.

The Académie de France was established in the city in 1666 on the suggestion of French Minister of Finances Jean-Baptiste Colbert and of Gian Lorenzo Bernini to host young artists who won the prestigious Prix de Rome. In the 18th century Rome was a cosmopolitan city and a priority destination on the Grand Tour, an international setting in which to complete one’s cultural and personal education. In the course of the 19th century, numerous countries followed France’s example and set up their own cultural institutes, while others were established on a permanent footing after the Universal Exhibition of 1911 which identified the international cultural district of Valle Giulia as a distinguishing feature of the modern capital. And the foundation of further foreign research institutes in the aftermath of World War II came to bolster the city’s history and narrative.

The depiction of the landscape of Rome from the earliest "views" is the exhibition's basic premise and starting point, unfolding thereafter in a range of different media and forms  

The exhibition continues with encounters, performances and screenings hosted at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni and with an invitation to take part in the exhibitions and open studios in the academies and institutes that are, today, venues for encounter and cross-contamination among careers, identities, styles, disciplines and communities that recount the complexity of our present era.

With artworks and intervention by Camille Aleña, Elvira Amor, Giacomo Balla, Sara Barker, Yasmina Benabderrahmane, Carla Boserman, Maeve Brennan, Andrea Büttner, Simon Callery, J. B. Camille Corot, Michel Couturier, Danica Dakic, Freya Dooley, Catriona Gallagher, Oona Grimes, José Guerrero, Ernest Hébert, Benedikt Hipp, Julia Huete, Sophie Jung, Winifred Knights, Tobias Koch, Jochen Lempert, Benoît Maire, Ana Mendieta, Bocar Niang, Ester Partegàs, Elise Peroi, David Schutter, Maya Schweizer, Something Fantastic, Jakob Strandgaard, Esther B. Van Deman, William Villalongo, Hannah Villiger, Konstantin von Kügelgen, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Laura White.