Julie Polidoro
Social distance

May 24 > September 3, 2023
Sala fontana, admission free
Curated by Giuseppe Armogida
Julie Polidoro Social distance24 May__3 September 2023
Julie Polidoro, Sleepers, 2021 | Pigments on linen canvas.138.5x177cm. Photo G. Benni, @ADAGP

SOCIAL DISTANCE, an exhibition curated by Giuseppe Armogida, is the continuation of an earlier exhibition hosted by the Galerie Valérie Delaunay in Paris. 

Julie Polidoro (1970) presents 14 suspended canvases which will be on display in the Palazzo delle Esposizioni’s Fountain Hall (Sala Fontana).
The exhibition project is the product of an attempt to understand the perception that we have of disturbing images that we encounter on the Internet.
Polidoro focuses,in particular, on images of the places where migrants wait to travel and of landscapes where the consequences of global warming are clearly visible.

One of the most striking things in both cases is the absence of space and time: the migrants we would rather not see and the temperature steadily rising are invisible.

"To each his place”, as Georges Perec puts it, leaves no room either for chance or for difference.
Thanks to painting we expand time, we offer space and a voice to human beings whom we would normally rather not see.
With painting we transcend fear.

Forthcoming trilingual (it-eng-fr) publication with essays by Giuseppe Armogida (philosopher and independent curator), Chiara Valerio (writer) and Alix Agret (art historian, currently research fellow with the Musèe Matisse in Nice).