Lorenzo Benedetti and Andrea Lissoni in conversation about Carla Accardi

29 may

The artistic director of the Haus der Kunst in Munich, Andrea Lissoni, who recently co-curated the exhibition Inside Others Spaces: Environments by Women Artists 1956-1976 at the German museum, and curator Lorenzo Benedetti, who has dedicated several studies and exhibition projects to Carla Accardi, will discuss the artist’s work and its connections to international research.

Image: Carla Accardi, Tenda, 1965-1966, paint on sicofoil, plexiglass chassis, cm 225.5 x 155 x 228. Private collection
© Carla Accardi by SIAE 2024 Photo Paolo Vandrash, Milano. Courtesy Archivio Patrimonio Artistico Intesa Sanpaolo


Admission free with reservation

Auditorium - Palazzo Esposizioni Roma

Admission via steps in via Milano 9a

Talks, meetings and poetry readings
Postponed until September 1, 2024
March 6 > September 1, 2024