The Adventure of Money
postponed until June 30

October 31, 2023 > June 30, 2024

Curated by Paco Lanciano and Giovanni Carrada, the exhibition offers an evocative preview of the project for the new Museo della Moneta - MUDEM that the Bank of Italy is building in the splendid setting of Villa Hüffer in via Nazionale.

The exhibition is organized by the Bank of Italy in collaboration with the Azienda Speciale Palaexpo and the Culture Department of Rome Capital.
Entrance from the staircase in via Milano 9a

The Adventure of Money postponed until June 3031 October 2023__30 June 2024

The Adventure of Money was created by Paco Lanciano and Giovanni Carrada for the BanK of Italy. Palazzo Esposizioni Roma will be hosting the exhibition from 31 October 2023 to 28 April 2024: visits last about one hour.

The Adventure of Money takes you on a fascinating journey through time to find out about the main events in the history of money and finance, from ancient Mesopotamia to the twentieth century.

You will be able to perceive the threads that connect us to the past and project us into the future: from minted money to digital transactions and modern payment systems.

Visits are free for schools, but booking is required. Booking is recommended for the general public too.