21 September - 23 October 2000

A fascinating selection of photographs, posters, films, and objects that symbolize Italian products allowed this exhibition to put a century of corporate communications by Martini & Rossi on display.

Exhibition curated by Paola Dècina Lombardi.

Catalogne edited by Florisa Gatti and Giacomo Affenita, with essays by the curators and Alberto Abruzzese, Marco Testa, Milka Pogliani, Giorgio Gualerzi, Gianluigi Falabrino, Giorgio Pestelli, Vittorio Sgarbi, Ascanio Calvi di Bergolo, Florisa Gatti and Maurice Rheims; published by Edizioni Pegaso, Lucca 2000.

Martini & Rossi’s Twentieth Century: The Culture of Communication

September 21 > October 23, 2000
Martini & Rossi’s Twentieth Century: The Culture of Communication 21 September__23 October 2000

21 September - 23 October 2000

A fascinating selection of photographs, posters, films, and objects that symbolize Italian products allowed this exhibition to put a century of corporate communications by Martini & Rossi on display.

Exhibition curated by Paola Dècina Lombardi.

Catalogne edited by Florisa Gatti and Giacomo Affenita, with essays by the curators and Alberto Abruzzese, Marco Testa, Milka Pogliani, Giorgio Gualerzi, Gianluigi Falabrino, Giorgio Pestelli, Vittorio Sgarbi, Ascanio Calvi di Bergolo, Florisa Gatti and Maurice Rheims; published by Edizioni Pegaso, Lucca 2000.