Roberto Ferri "Noli Foras Ire" and the Presentation of the Way of the Cross for the Cathedral of Noto

May 7 > June 2, 2013
Roberto Ferri "Noli Foras Ire" and the Presentation of the Way of the Cross for the Cathedral of Noto 7 May__2 June 2013
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Sala fontana

Free admission


From 7 May until 2 June the Sala fontana of the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome will host the exhibition ROBERTO FERRI "NOLI FORAS IRE"  and the Presentation of the Way of the Cross for the Cathedral of Noto organised by Franco Senesi Fine Art, Simona Gatto and Francesca Sacchi Tommasi,  with the artistic supervision of Vittorio Sgarbi, art critic, Claudio Strinati, Executive of the Ministry for Heritage and Cultural Activities Executive and Francesco Buranelli, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church.

It will be possible to admire thirty-six works by Roberto Ferri a figurative, Caravaggesque - inspired contemporary artist, twenty-four paintings on canvas, as well as twelve drawings and preparatory sketches executed with several techniques. Among them there are some paintings whose profane subject is an elevated expression of the artist's poetics and style, where the extreme realism of the human figures and the heroism of poses and expressions witness the recovery of classical models and the artist's excellent knowledge of anatomy. Harmonious works in forms and composition, characterised by a sense of oneirism  and by numerous references to antiquity, whose purpose is to generate awe and wonder in the spectator. In addition to this, the paintings depicting the fourteen stations of the Way of the Cross commissioned to Ferri in 2010 for the Cathedral of Noto - wonderful example of Sicilian Baroque art and architecture - will be presented. Some of these paintings were exhibited back in 2011 at Grimani Palace in Venice during the International Art Biennale, event from which Roberto Ferri -  together with critic and journalist Fabio Isman -  got the idea of exhibiting a preview of all the paintings in a prestigious venue in Rome, the Palace of the Exhibitions, before their definitive placement in the Cathedral.

A unique exhibition where sacred and profane coexist and where the desire to merge good and evil emerges clearly - a characteristic of Roberto Ferri's works -  like in the oil on canvas Lucifer, where the angel fallen from heaven  - depicted while imprinting his seal on a stone and on the Earth he will govern -  expresses his beauty to the fullest.  Among the other paintings there is Requiem to be noticed, a massive work commissioned in 2012 by TIA. Ferri reinterprets the theme of requiem, representing an angel greeted by demonic figures in order to make the end of his benign side and the rebirth of the malignant one emerge and where evil is symbolised  by the beetle penetrating the skin of his hand. In In death entwined dated 2011, the artist merges his thought with that of his partner, expressed in the incision on the tomb placed behind the two lovers in the foreground "here I deposit my tears, part of me, intimate fruit that becomes mirror".

The exhibition catalogue is published by Giunti publishing.