Case nei libri, case fra i libri

November 30, 2019 > February 16, 2020
Piano zero | admission free
Case nei libri, case fra i libri 30 November 2019__16 February 2020
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A rhythmic sequence of ironic, funny, bizarre, paradoxical, amusing and surprising homes emerges from the pages of a book, Case Così, to become an exhibition. Antonella Abbatiello, one of Italy's best-known children's authors, accompanies the young and the less young alike on a journey of exploration amid real and imaginary houses, following a thread of emotion and fantasy. Homes in Books, Homes Among Books is the title of the exhibition held amid the shelves of the bookstore. Alongside original plates created for her album Case Così, Antonella Abbatiello will also be showing a purpose-built installation at this exhibition and offering visitors a personal selection of books that talk about homes.

CASE COSÌ is a book written and illustrated by Antonella Abbatiello for Donzelli Editore.
Case così  | Antonella Abbatiello
Case così  | Antonella Abbatiello
Antonella Abbatiello has illustrated 900 children's books, designing and writing many of them herself. She has published work with Italy's leading publishing houses and her books have been translated and published in nineteen different countries. The sole assistant to Emanuele Luzzati and Giulio Gianini for eight years, she worked with them on their cartoon films, and produced the entire graphic part of Leo Lionni's three films: Cornelius, It's Mine!, and A Fish Is a Fish.
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Workshops and Readings

Sunday 8 December 2019 at 11.30 am
Case Così to More Books, More Freedom
reading and workshop for children aged 4 to 8
A workshop to discover the infinite range of possible houses and to make your own, allowing yourself to be inspired by Anatonella Abbatiello's book.
Info: Spazio Ragazzi (stand M31), La Nuvola - EUR, Viale Asia 40, Rome; participation free of charge while places last; admission with ticket to the Trade Fair (Fiera)
Sunday 29 December 2019 at 4.00 pm
A Home Breeds a Home
Workshop with Antonella Abbatiello for children aged 5 and upwards
A special opportunity to make the acquaintaince of a great illustrator and to work together on building a colourful collective installation, one home after the other.
Info: Forum del Palazzo delle Esposizioni; activity € 8.00 per participant; for further information and reservations tel. +

Piano zero | admission free