Minimalia: From Giacomo Balla to…
(Minimalia: Da Giacomo Balla a….)

28 January – 6 April 1998

Lucio Fontana
3 April – 22 June 1998

1968: A World Revolution. Multimedia Exhibit (Exhibit on 1968: A World Revolution)
(1968: Una rivoluzione mondiale. Mostra multimediale (Rassegna 1968: Una rivoluzione mondiale)

8 April – 18 May 1998

Giovanni Caccamo: No End to Punishment. Looking Out from the Inside
(Giovanni Caccamo: Fine pena mai. Sguardi da dentro)

8 – 17 April 1998

The Future Behind us: Italy-France. Art Between the Two Wars
(Il futuro alle spalle: Italia-Francia. L’arte tra le due guerre)

22 April – 22 June 1998

Carlo Belli and Rome
(Carlo Belli e Roma)

23 April – 5 June 1998

Waddel Rankin: Rankin Photographs (Exhibit on British Waves. UK Today. The New English Scene 3)
(Rassegna British Waves: La nuova scena inglese 3)

10 – 28 June 1998

Joyce’s Rome: Photographs
(La Roma di Joyce: Fotografie)

14 – 28 June 1998

Peter Lindbergh: Images of Women. Photographs
15 July – 12 August 1998

The Glittering Consciousness: From Video Art to Interactive Art
(La coscienza luccicante: dalla videoarte all’arte interattiva)

16 September – 30 October 1998

Ring-pull Art: Bounty for UNICEF
(Arte a strappo: Bounty per Unicef)

23 – 28 September 1998

The Golden Man: The Culture of the Steppes in Kazakhstan from the Bronze Age to the Great Migrations
(L’uomo d’oro: La cultura delle steppe del Kazakhstan dall’età del bronzo alle grandi migrazioni)

23 September – 23 December 1998

Henri Cartier Bresson: Early Photographs
(Henri Cartier Bresson: Prime fotografie)

25 September – 8 November 1998

Urban Nature: Painting, Sculpture, Photography and other Media (Event: First Biennale of Nature and Environment Parks)
(Natura Inurbata: Pittura, scultura, fotografia e altri media (Rassegna Prima Biennale dei Parchi Natura e Ambiente)

12 – 30 October 1998

13th Art Quadreinnal in Rome: Valori Plastici
(XIII Quadriennale d’Arte di Roma: Valori Plastici)

28 October 1998 – 18 January 1999

The Great Floyd Gottfredson: A Life with Mickey Mouse
(Il grande Floyd Gottfredson: Una vita con Topolino)

12 – 15 November 1998

Nicolas Poussin: The Early Roman Years
(Nicolas Poussin: I primi anni romani)

26 November 1998 – 1 March 1999

Duilio Cambellotti: An Interlude in Art. ‘A’ as in ‘alphabet’… ‘Z’ as in ‘zanzara’
(Duilio Cambellotti: una parentesi d’arte: A come alfabeto...Z come zanzara)

21 November 1998 – 6 January 1999


January 1 > December 31, 1998
1998 1 January__31 December 1998

Minimalia: From Giacomo Balla to…
(Minimalia: Da Giacomo Balla a….)

28 January – 6 April 1998

Lucio Fontana
3 April – 22 June 1998

1968: A World Revolution. Multimedia Exhibit (Exhibit on 1968: A World Revolution)
(1968: Una rivoluzione mondiale. Mostra multimediale (Rassegna 1968: Una rivoluzione mondiale)

8 April – 18 May 1998

Giovanni Caccamo: No End to Punishment. Looking Out from the Inside
(Giovanni Caccamo: Fine pena mai. Sguardi da dentro)

8 – 17 April 1998

The Future Behind us: Italy-France. Art Between the Two Wars
(Il futuro alle spalle: Italia-Francia. L’arte tra le due guerre)

22 April – 22 June 1998

Carlo Belli and Rome
(Carlo Belli e Roma)

23 April – 5 June 1998

Waddel Rankin: Rankin Photographs (Exhibit on British Waves. UK Today. The New English Scene 3)
(Rassegna British Waves: La nuova scena inglese 3)

10 – 28 June 1998

Joyce’s Rome: Photographs
(La Roma di Joyce: Fotografie)

14 – 28 June 1998

Peter Lindbergh: Images of Women. Photographs
15 July – 12 August 1998

The Glittering Consciousness: From Video Art to Interactive Art
(La coscienza luccicante: dalla videoarte all’arte interattiva)

16 September – 30 October 1998

Ring-pull Art: Bounty for UNICEF
(Arte a strappo: Bounty per Unicef)

23 – 28 September 1998

The Golden Man: The Culture of the Steppes in Kazakhstan from the Bronze Age to the Great Migrations
(L’uomo d’oro: La cultura delle steppe del Kazakhstan dall’età del bronzo alle grandi migrazioni)

23 September – 23 December 1998

Henri Cartier Bresson: Early Photographs
(Henri Cartier Bresson: Prime fotografie)

25 September – 8 November 1998

Urban Nature: Painting, Sculpture, Photography and other Media (Event: First Biennale of Nature and Environment Parks)
(Natura Inurbata: Pittura, scultura, fotografia e altri media (Rassegna Prima Biennale dei Parchi Natura e Ambiente)

12 – 30 October 1998

13th Art Quadreinnal in Rome: Valori Plastici
(XIII Quadriennale d’Arte di Roma: Valori Plastici)

28 October 1998 – 18 January 1999

The Great Floyd Gottfredson: A Life with Mickey Mouse
(Il grande Floyd Gottfredson: Una vita con Topolino)

12 – 15 November 1998

Nicolas Poussin: The Early Roman Years
(Nicolas Poussin: I primi anni romani)

26 November 1998 – 1 March 1999

Duilio Cambellotti: An Interlude in Art. ‘A’ as in ‘alphabet’… ‘Z’ as in ‘zanzara’
(Duilio Cambellotti: una parentesi d’arte: A come alfabeto...Z come zanzara)

21 November 1998 – 6 January 1999