Shades of Red, White and Green: Italian Illustrators of the West
(Ombre Rosse Bianche e Verdi: illustratori italiani del West)

15 January – 15 March 1994

Silk and the Silk Road
(La seta e la sua via)

23 January – 10 April 1994

Sebastião Salgado: the Hand of Man. Workers
(Sebastião Salgado: la mano dell’uomo. Workers)

3 March – 25 April 1994

Face to Face: Portraits of Artists by Vera Isler
(Face to face: ritratti d’artista di Vera Isler)

11 March – 20 April 1994

Roberto Capucci: the Paths of Creativity
(Roberto Capucci: i percorsi della creatività)

12 March – 15 April 1994

Riccardo Caporossi: at a Single Stroke
(Riccardo Caporossi : d’un colpo solo)

6 – 24 April 1994

Marialba Russo: Rome. Modern Splendour. The Disorder of Time
(Marialba Russo: Roma. Fasti moderni. Il disordine del tempo)

22 April – 16 May 1994

Dada: the Art of Negation
(Dada: l’arte della negazione)

29 April - 30 June 1994

Richard Long
4 May – 30 June 1994

Art Spiegelman: the Writing of Maus
(Art Spiegelman: la scrittura di Maus)

25 May – 25 June 1994

U.K. Today. The New English Scene
(U.K. Today. La nuova scena inglese)

1 June – 6 July 1994

Landscape According to Nature. Jacob Philipp Hackert and His Circle
(Il paesaggio secondo natura. Jacob Philipp Hackert e la sua cerchia)

14 July – 30 September 1994

Josef Albers. Glass, Colour and Light
(Josef Albers. Vetro, colore e luce)

21 July – 3 October 1994

Louise Nevelson
28 July -31 October 1994

Alvar Aalto. Architect (Nordic Festival)
(Alvar Aalto. Architetto [Festival Nordico])

28 September – 21 November 1994

Norwegian Jewellery 1945-1994 (Nordic Festival)
(Gioielli norvegesi 1945-1994 [Festival Nordico])

28 September – 30 October 1994

Varde. Ecology, Quality of Life, Resources (Nordic Festival)
(Varde. Ecologia, qualità della vita, risorse [Festival Nordico])

5 October – 7 November 1994

Signac, Bonnard, Matisse. Neo impressionists, Nabis, Fauves from the Saint-Tropez Museum
(Signac, Bonnard, Matisse. Neo impressionisti, Nabis, Fauves del Museo di Saint-Tropez)

15 October – 5 December 1994

Frank Dituri. Bookmarks
20 October – 21 November 1994

The Legacy of Impressionism 1900-1945. The Inner Reality.
(Eredità dell’Impressionismo 1900-1945. La realtà interiore)

15 December 1994 – 28 February 1995

Depero. From Futurism to the Art House
(Depero. Dal futurismo alla casa d’arte)

14 December 1994 – 13 February 1995

Gianfranco Lelj. Italian Cinema 1974-1994
(Gianfranco Lelj. Cinema italiano 1974-1994)

December 1994

Rome Under the Stars of 1944. History, Art and Culture from the War to the Liberation
(Roma sotto le stelle del ’44. Storia, arte e cultura dalla Guerra alla Liberazione)

16 December 1994 – 12 March 1995


January 1 > December 31, 1994
1994 1 January__31 December 1994

Shades of Red, White and Green: Italian Illustrators of the West
(Ombre Rosse Bianche e Verdi: illustratori italiani del West)

15 January – 15 March 1994

Silk and the Silk Road
(La seta e la sua via)

23 January – 10 April 1994

Sebastião Salgado: the Hand of Man. Workers
(Sebastião Salgado: la mano dell’uomo. Workers)

3 March – 25 April 1994

Face to Face: Portraits of Artists by Vera Isler
(Face to face: ritratti d’artista di Vera Isler)

11 March – 20 April 1994

Roberto Capucci: the Paths of Creativity
(Roberto Capucci: i percorsi della creatività)

12 March – 15 April 1994

Riccardo Caporossi: at a Single Stroke
(Riccardo Caporossi : d’un colpo solo)

6 – 24 April 1994

Marialba Russo: Rome. Modern Splendour. The Disorder of Time
(Marialba Russo: Roma. Fasti moderni. Il disordine del tempo)

22 April – 16 May 1994

Dada: the Art of Negation
(Dada: l’arte della negazione)

29 April - 30 June 1994

Richard Long
4 May – 30 June 1994

Art Spiegelman: the Writing of Maus
(Art Spiegelman: la scrittura di Maus)

25 May – 25 June 1994

U.K. Today. The New English Scene
(U.K. Today. La nuova scena inglese)

1 June – 6 July 1994

Landscape According to Nature. Jacob Philipp Hackert and His Circle
(Il paesaggio secondo natura. Jacob Philipp Hackert e la sua cerchia)

14 July – 30 September 1994

Josef Albers. Glass, Colour and Light
(Josef Albers. Vetro, colore e luce)

21 July – 3 October 1994

Louise Nevelson
28 July -31 October 1994

Alvar Aalto. Architect (Nordic Festival)
(Alvar Aalto. Architetto [Festival Nordico])

28 September – 21 November 1994

Norwegian Jewellery 1945-1994 (Nordic Festival)
(Gioielli norvegesi 1945-1994 [Festival Nordico])

28 September – 30 October 1994

Varde. Ecology, Quality of Life, Resources (Nordic Festival)
(Varde. Ecologia, qualità della vita, risorse [Festival Nordico])

5 October – 7 November 1994

Signac, Bonnard, Matisse. Neo impressionists, Nabis, Fauves from the Saint-Tropez Museum
(Signac, Bonnard, Matisse. Neo impressionisti, Nabis, Fauves del Museo di Saint-Tropez)

15 October – 5 December 1994

Frank Dituri. Bookmarks
20 October – 21 November 1994

The Legacy of Impressionism 1900-1945. The Inner Reality.
(Eredità dell’Impressionismo 1900-1945. La realtà interiore)

15 December 1994 – 28 February 1995

Depero. From Futurism to the Art House
(Depero. Dal futurismo alla casa d’arte)

14 December 1994 – 13 February 1995

Gianfranco Lelj. Italian Cinema 1974-1994
(Gianfranco Lelj. Cinema italiano 1974-1994)

December 1994

Rome Under the Stars of 1944. History, Art and Culture from the War to the Liberation
(Roma sotto le stelle del ’44. Storia, arte e cultura dalla Guerra alla Liberazione)

16 December 1994 – 12 March 1995