Euclid, the machine for reconstructing the history of the Universe

28 february
With Gabriella De Lucia, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Trieste and Luca Valenziano, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Bologna

Scientific aperitifs with Gabriella De Lucia, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Trieste and Luca Valenziano, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Bologna


In July 2023, the European Euclid satellite opened its optical and infrared eyes on the cosmos. His first images were so clear that they were defined as "hypnotic" and this gives us hope because his goal is more than ambitious: to help us reveal pieces of the history of our Universe that we still cannot understand, as well as shedding light on the mysteries of dark matter and energy.


Admission free while places last

Caffè delle Esposizioni

via Nazionale 194a e via Milano 13

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